Here you'll find some tutorials for beginning LSDJ composers
Video Tutorials:[]
- LSDJguides channel on Youtube
- cTrix LSDJ Beginners Guide [47:19]
- Creating a hiphop beat in LSDJ by blipsqueek animations [13:00]
- Learning LSDJ with PANDAstar - Part 1[28:13], Part 2 [48:18]
- Make a Wave Kick in LSDj version 6.8.2 by DEFENSE MECHANISM [7:54]
- Noise Channel Percussion tutorial by Boy Meets Robot [25:48]
- Saw Waves creation tutorial by 2xAA [7:28]
- A to Z command walkthrough by zef [44:40]
- Kits And Pulse How To
- LSDJ Tutorial by Sabrepulse
- How to: Prepare Samples and Create LSDJ Kits by little-scale
- Creating Chiptune Music by Bubblyfish [PDF]
Also Check Out:[]
- Little Sound Dj Structure – a diagram of the basic structure of LSDJ
- If you are interested in observing LSDJ methodology through various artists' *.sav files, checkout: LSDSNG Swap