Little Sound Dj Wiki

How to Program Ghjetto Trippz[]

When starting from scratch.....don't focus on trying to line up triplet phrases with phrases that have a default timing. Instead: merely put a hop on row 0C of each pattern!

then you can do something like a simple kick-snare-kick-snare pattern, but with room to throw trips in at will:

00 D#3 I- 000
01 --- I- 000
02 --- I- 000
03 D#8 I- VFF
04 --- I- K00
05 --- I- 000
06 D#3 I- 000
07 --- I- 000
08 --- I- 000
09 D#8 I- VEF
0A --- I- K00
0B --- I- 000
0C --- I- H00
0D F-6 I- 000
0E A-6 I- 000
0F G-6 I- 000

this method is also nice because it can be used with any groove you like, for funkier trippz =)

How to Program Proper Triplets[]

It's easy to program Triplet Notes by using grooves.

If we assume that the base groove is on 6 ticks, a beat will be all in all 4*6=24 ticks long... Like this (in phrase sequencer):

  Step 0:  6 ticks
  Step 1:  6 ticks
  Step 2:  6 ticks
+ Step 3:  6 ticks
= 1 Beat: 24 ticks

If we want to program a triplet, we want three steps to be exactly as long as a beat. That is, the 24 ticks of a beat should be divided on three steps. 24 divided by 3 gives us 8 ticks a step.

So we can then program an alternate groove with 8 ticks per step, and the result would be like this:

  Step 0:  8 ticks
  Step 1:  8 ticks
+ Step 2:  8 ticks
= 1 Beat: 24 ticks

A full 4/4 measure of four beats would then be only 3*4=12 custom steps long, so one would have to make the phrase hop to next phrase on step 12 already, by using the H command.

Another way to do it, without using the H command, is to program a groove with a dummy tick; so that a 4/4 measure will fill out all 16 steps in the phrase screen. Like this:

  Step 0:  8 ticks
  Step 1:  8 ticks
  Step 2:  7 ticks
+ Step 3:  1 ticks (dummy tick)
= 1 Beat: 24 ticks

In the phrases, the steps 3, 7, B and F are now dummy steps that should be ignored.

— Johan

When using grooves that's not evenly dividable by 3, I found that the best result is to have fewer ticks in the beginning. Like this:

Using a shuffled feel for 16ths...

Step 0: c ticks
Step 1: 7 ticks

and tripplet 8ths.

Step 0: c ticks 
Step 1: d ticks 
Step 2: d ticks

Or, another shuffled feel for 16ths,

Step 0: a ticks 
Step 1: 7 ticks

will result in the following groove to require tripplet 8ths:

Step 0: b ticks 
Step 1: b ticks 
Step 2: c ticks

— trash

Here's how I do triplets:

Assuming the 16-step phrase represents 1 measure of 4 beats, and the groove for all other channels is 6.

00 C 3 I00 G00
01 C 3 I00 000
02 --- I00 000
03 C 3 I00 000
04 C 3 I00 000
05 C 3 I00 000
06 --- I00 000
07 C 3 I00 000
08 C 3 I00 000
09 C 3 I00 000
0A --- I00 000
0B C 3 I00 000
0C C 3 I00 000
0D C 3 I00 000
0E --- I00 000
0F C 3 I00 000


0 8
1 4
2 4
3 8

Each note gets 8 tics and it lines up with the other channels

Reggæ Swing[]

This is an easy way to create reggae like swing using grooves:

0 9
1 6
2 3
3 6

You may increase/decrease the amount of swing by modifying the 9 and 3. Note that you should try to keep those four numbers so they add up to 24, so that the bpm is true and you don't end up with an out of sync song (if you dont want to).

let the chip reggae orgy commence!
